A Friend in need is a Friend indeed
when you deeply need someone and s/he let you all alone
even if all the world is around
then they don't deserve to be called friends even
NO more excuses
Days and days, I see myself torn apart
for people who wouldn't even cry a single tear for my pain
I called alot and alot
and what i get more excuses
I want to put everything behind
clear pain,memories , everything
I have to keep moving forward
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
سبيني ارجوكي
و بعدين معاكي بقي
مقلنا خلاص
لازم نمشي
ملناش مكان
ليه مش عيزه تصدقي
حرام عليكي كفاية
سبيني امشي
عايزة ابقي وحيدة
سبيني بقي
مقلنا خلاص
لازم نمشي
ملناش مكان
ليه مش عيزه تصدقي
حرام عليكي كفاية
سبيني امشي
عايزة ابقي وحيدة
سبيني بقي
Sunday, March 29, 2009
walking through history
remembering times and times
a small smile is drawn on her face
and she grabbed the album to her chest
and looked to the sky
memories seems to be drawn there
and she went to that little girl running everywhere
that touch of kindness and tenderness
that pretty smiles
that act of love
that beautiful life
How happy was those days
peace of mind ,peace of soul
let those days flow again through our lives and fill it with happiness
remembering times and times
a small smile is drawn on her face
and she grabbed the album to her chest
and looked to the sky
memories seems to be drawn there
and she went to that little girl running everywhere
that touch of kindness and tenderness
that pretty smiles
that act of love
that beautiful life
How happy was those days
peace of mind ,peace of soul
let those days flow again through our lives and fill it with happiness
Friday, March 27, 2009
The black box

cold winter afternoon
I felt a movement outside
I was terrified as if I did know what was happening
I tried to stay calm and to say it is okay
the sounds repeat itself day after day
it get louder and louder
I tried to close my ears
to say that I hear nothing anymore
but that day I couldn't stand it
I collect my courage and
Opened my door
and I found this
a box
a black one
the wind started to blow hard
and sounds are getting higher and higher
I could make sense of them now
they are more likely like a scream
getting louder and louder
I sit on my knees wondering what was that and where it came from
and what all those sounds
I sat looking at it and a tear was about to fall when someone came and asked me
"what are you starring at?"
and why are you standing alone in this cold darkness
I told him about the sounds and the box
and he tried to tell me that I am only imagining and that there were no sounds nor any boxes
I closed the door and stayed behind I couldn't stop thinking
what is happening
why the sounds and the box
why I am the only one that I could see and hear
and suddenly I opened my old staff
and went through them
and started to surf the net looking for my answer
and I stopped by it, "COULD IT BE REALLY THAT?"
no no no it can't be I must be mistaken
it is getting colder and colder
And then he started to talk
but something make me pretend that i am more than perfect and nothing is wrong
I just remembered the black box
and I realized what was it
I couldn't hide my tears but no one ever felt or see as if they are like the black box
I realized that I have no right in speaking anymore
I rush to the door and took the box inside and opened it
what is this
Friday, March 20, 2009
و من احسن من الله تدبير
سامحني يا رب
ساعدني يا رب
بحبك يا رب
كريم يا رب
كريم يا رب
كريم يا رب
كريم يا رب
كريم يا رب
كريم يا رب
و من احسن من الله تدبير
ساعدني يا رب
بحبك يا رب
كريم يا رب
كريم يا رب
كريم يا رب
كريم يا رب
كريم يا رب
كريم يا رب
و من احسن من الله تدبير
Friday, March 13, 2009
Walt DIseny
Oh I am a big Fan of walt diseny
sweet cute memories of childhood :D
oh so sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet
Lion King
I remember when first time my father took us to this movie , I cried alot when the king (semba's father died )
the most amazing part is the happy endings :D
I remember snow white, beauty and the beast , mermaid ,Sindbad :D oh sweet memories innocent times ,who happy we were being young with nothing to fear or care
i miss hanging around with dad holding his hand as small child
i still sleep by my mam till this moment :D the best place in the world (in my mother arms)
i like her combing my hair as if i was little
where that innocent look and feeling where has it gone away
i miss those old days
when we sleep with peace of mind and heart
sweet cute memories of childhood :D
oh so sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet
Lion King
I remember when first time my father took us to this movie , I cried alot when the king (semba's father died )
the most amazing part is the happy endings :D
I remember snow white, beauty and the beast , mermaid ,Sindbad :D oh sweet memories innocent times ,who happy we were being young with nothing to fear or care
i miss hanging around with dad holding his hand as small child
i still sleep by my mam till this moment :D the best place in the world (in my mother arms)
i like her combing my hair as if i was little
where that innocent look and feeling where has it gone away
i miss those old days
when we sleep with peace of mind and heart
why have i return to write?
any how
i feel soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppy
but can't tolerate the paiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin
any how
i feel soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppy
but can't tolerate the paiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin
Thursday, March 12, 2009
why do I Lie??
even to myself
lying about everything
acting as if I am really stronger
who are you faking
even to myself
lying about everything
acting as if I am really stronger
who are you faking
Crazy me

:D :D
Crazy Crazy Crazy Crazy
I am feeling hysterical in fact :D
every one is saying that I am weird in fact
acting weird ,hysterical ,crazy
yes I am :D
some people when the face problems they sit and cry
I yes i sit and cry but just only with myself
but to the whole world
I am the hysterical person that doesn't stop laughing and never cried a single tear
and even in worst situation of my life God is always there
holding me
picking my tears
only God could help me
thanks for the gift you gave me
thanks for making me see the good in every thing
even in my worst cases
thanks for giving me those perfect people
thanks for your love
thanks for your patience
whatever happens you hold me always
that's why we love you GOD
you are always there for us even when we don't deserve
thanks God for being my God
and someone that I even can't forget after all
thanks for your care
even when you know that it going to hurt you take me nicely
and try to make me okay
Thanks my friend for being my friend
you are a good bless to me
thanks for the memories and for being my aid for so long
maybe it is time to separate
God bless your road to the right and the good
and make you happy
I won't say Goodbye
I hate Goodbyes
I will only say
c uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Thanks God now and for alwayssssssssssssssssssss
Friday, March 6, 2009
فلم يعد للداء دواء

يا نفس كفي عن البكاء فلم يعد للداء دواء
يا نفس ويحك لا ترين إلا السواد
ذهبتي في طريق ليس بطريقك و كان نهايته البكاء
و لا يوجد طرق اخري للمضي قدما
فقد مات القلب و فارقك العناد
خسرتي قوتكي و شدة عنادك
و بقيتي تكتمين ما بقلبك و تهربين للوادي
الوادي الخالي من الناس و الماء
حيث تبقين وحدك لعلك تستطيعين البكاء
بدمع و حرقة بدلا من ابتسامة الغباء
لتخفي حريق ما خلف شئ باقي
غير فتات روحا
ماتت من شدة الإحتراق
Thursday, March 5, 2009
آآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآه ه ه
ماأصعب أن تبكي بلا... دموع.....وما أصعـــــب..أن تذهب بلا رجوع
وماصعب أن تشعر بالضيق....وكأن المكان من حولك ... يضــــــيق
مااصعب ان تتكــلم بلا صـــــوت
ان تحيــى كى تنتــظر المــــــوت
مااصعب ان تشــــعر بالســـــــأم
فتــرى كل من حــــولك عــــــدم
ويسودك احســـــــاس النـــــــدم
على إثــم لا تعرفه .... وذنب لم تقترفه
ما اصعب ان تشـــــعربالحــزن العميـق
وكأنه كامـنٌ فى داخــلك ألـــم عريــــق
تستـــكمل وحــدك الطــريــق
بلا هـــــدفٍ... بلا شــريكٍ... بلا رفيــقٍ
وتصيــر انــت و الحزن و النـدم فريــق
و تـــجد وجـــهك بين الدمــــوع غريـق
و يتحــول الأمــل البــاقى الى.... بريـق
مااصعب ان تعـــيش داخــل نفـــسك وحيـد
بلا صديــــقِ... بلا رفيـــــقِ... بلا حبيـــبِ
تشـــــعر ان الفــــرح بعـــــيد
تعانى من جــــرح...لا يطــيب
جـــرح عمـيق.. جـــرح عنـيد
جـــرح لا يـــداويــه طبيـــب
مااصعب ان تــرى النـــور ظـــلام
مااصعب ان تـــرى السعادة اوهـام
وانت وحيــد حـــيران
من .... لاحب يستمر .... ولا آهات تدوم
ومهما يطول الزمن .... لاحب يستمر .... ولا آهات تدوم
وماصعب أن تشعر بالضيق....وكأن المكان من حولك ... يضــــــيق
مااصعب ان تتكــلم بلا صـــــوت
ان تحيــى كى تنتــظر المــــــوت
مااصعب ان تشــــعر بالســـــــأم
فتــرى كل من حــــولك عــــــدم
ويسودك احســـــــاس النـــــــدم
على إثــم لا تعرفه .... وذنب لم تقترفه
ما اصعب ان تشـــــعربالحــزن العميـق
وكأنه كامـنٌ فى داخــلك ألـــم عريــــق
تستـــكمل وحــدك الطــريــق
بلا هـــــدفٍ... بلا شــريكٍ... بلا رفيــقٍ
وتصيــر انــت و الحزن و النـدم فريــق
و تـــجد وجـــهك بين الدمــــوع غريـق
و يتحــول الأمــل البــاقى الى.... بريـق
مااصعب ان تعـــيش داخــل نفـــسك وحيـد
بلا صديــــقِ... بلا رفيـــــقِ... بلا حبيـــبِ
تشـــــعر ان الفــــرح بعـــــيد
تعانى من جــــرح...لا يطــيب
جـــرح عمـيق.. جـــرح عنـيد
جـــرح لا يـــداويــه طبيـــب
مااصعب ان تــرى النـــور ظـــلام
مااصعب ان تـــرى السعادة اوهـام
وانت وحيــد حـــيران
من .... لاحب يستمر .... ولا آهات تدوم
ومهما يطول الزمن .... لاحب يستمر .... ولا آهات تدوم
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
انا لله وانا اليه راجعون " نزل الفيلم الدنماركى "
انا لله وانا اليه راجعون " نزل الفيلم الدنماركى " فتنة" الذى يسخر من الحبيب نبينا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم حان الوقت لنقاطع المنتجات الدنماركية بصدق وجدية 1.6 بليون مسلم يستطيعون ضرب الاقتصاد الدنماركى ارسل الرسالة الى اكبر عدد من المسلمين فاذا سألك الله ماذا فعلت لنصرة نبيك ؟ تستطيع الاجابة اللهم فاشهد انى اجتهدت وبلغت
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