Wednesday, August 12, 2009

To my child

like anyother day
I was thinking and I though I was sinking
I felt that kind of thing that couldn't be explained
no matter how far we became
no matter what problem we had
I still love you
Like the first time I saw you and much much more
with that inncoent look of a new born baby
I loved being by your side ,
just to see you laugh or smile
touching your tiny hand
taking you in my arms when you cry
play with you when you need
and teach you how to succeed
and when you took your first Step
I was high high sooooooooooooooooooooooooo
high like the moon in the sky
too proud of you my child
too proud of our family
the same family you are part of
the same family that all have given everything to you
they believe in you
you are our hope
I still remember the day we chose your name
how lovely you are
I still hear your screams at night
and your laughs after a while
I remember you day by day
growing up infront of my eyes
I saw you like a shooting star that is rising high
and now my child
it is the day
and not like any normal day
it is the day
to prepare you
to be the bride
the most wonderful bride
where your hero comes and take your hand to continue the way
but on your way
remember that your family is always there
praying for you to be the best
and aiding you in the rest
and here comes our day
that we should pay
for the cost of happiness is far to say
bless you my child in every step of the way

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