Sunday, February 22, 2009

كرم ربنا

حقيقي كريم يا رب
انا كنت اعده افكر انهاردة و لقيت فعلا ان ربنا كرمني في كل حاجة في حياتي
فعلا كل حاجة في حياتي
ديه مش مبلغة خالص فعلا
كرمني في عائلتي و درستي و صحابي و شغلي و صحتي
دائما كنت معي يا رب حتي و انا مشيه في طريق غلط
عمري ما كنت لوحدي
لأني دائما عارفة انك قلت انك عند حسن ظن عبدك بك
يا رب يا كبير اوي
يا رحيم اوي
يا عظيم اوي


Feeling weird
really weird
nearly i made fight with everyone today
with or without an obvious reason
feeling bored so bored
don't want to do anything
not a study nor work
even don't want to talk to people
just don't know
I have gone so far by now
simply want to just close my eyes as it last time ever
and no coming back
i keep shutting up sounds in my head but they keep banging
i want to set them silent

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

a glass

a glass that just i used to see amazing wonderful
just every time a crack happens or appears
All I needed is just to close me eyes and want it to go away
and so it does
when I open my eyes I can't see it anymore
every time every time
till the glass was totally turned into pieces but I still could see the whole glass complete
It is hurting and I am bleeding but I insist it is still complete just as it is new
that it is not hurting me
but i can't stop my tears from falling
just can't
but i kept pushing on the glass as if i were protecting it from outer conditions
and i didn't notice that I might be the one breaking it
I am sorry
whatever it was ,I accept it
I will accept it
I am so sorry

Monday, February 16, 2009

تعيشي يا بلادي

صوت بلادي ، بينادي بينادي
بيدوي عبر الأجيال
صوت حضارة ..
من يومها جبارة ،
ياما صنعت أبطال و رجال ..
صوت شعب ماشي آلاف السنين ..
كل خطوة منه بكفاح ملايين ،
أمجاده كتبها بحياته و مصر حياتها خطى المخلصين ..
عيش حياتك ، بس ابحث عن ذاتك ..
يا مصري و شوف عمرها كام ..
شوف جدودك ، من لحظة وجودك ..
شعلة عزم و خير و سلام ..
صوت شعب مصري و أعظم ما فيه ..
أي أخ عربي يعوزه يلاقيه ..
أمجاده كتبها بحياته و مصر حياتها خطى المخلصين ..

كلمة حلوة

مش عارفة الحقيقة ايه اللي خلى الأغنية ديه تيجي علي بالي بس انا بحبها اوي
و بحب مصر اكثر
و حسبكوا معها :D:D
كلمة حلوة وكلمتين … حلوة يا بلدي
غنوة حلوة وغنوتين … حلوة يا بلدي
أملي دايماً كان يا بلدي
إني أرجع لك يا بلدي
وأفضل دايماً جنبك على طول
ذكريات كل اللي فات … فاكرة يا بلدي؟
قلبي مليان بحكايات… فاكرة يا بلدي؟
أول حب كان .. في بلدي
مش ممكن أنساه يا بلدي
فين أيام زمان … قبل الوداع
كنا بنقول إن الفراق ده … مستحيل
وكل دمعة على الخدين .. كانت بتسيل
مليانة بأمل أن احنا نبقى موجودين
في بحر الحب … على الشطين
كلمة حلوة وكلمتين … حلوة يا بلدي
غنوة حلوة وغنوتين … حلوة يا بلدي
فين حبيب القلب يا بلدي !؟ … كان بعيد عني يا بلدي
وكل ما بغني … بفكر فيه
قول يا حبيبي انتا سايبني ورايح فين
أجمل لحن ده ح نغنيه… إحنا الاتنين
يا محلى كلمة بلدي ف غنوة بين سطرين
ياليل يا عين …. ياعين يا ليل … ياليلي يا ليلي ليلي
كلمة حلوة و كلمتين … حلوة يا بلدي
غنوة حلوة وغنوتين … قمري يا بلدي
أملي دايماً كان يا بلدي … إني أرجع لك يا بلدي
وأفضل دايماً جنبك على طول … وووه وووه ووووو …. قمري يا بلدي .. حلوة يا بلدي وووووووووه

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Tagged :D

I have been tagged by the beautiful Dr. invisible (ma 3lena :D)
so here it is:

Favorite Color: white in general and black in clothes :D

Favorite Perfume (Guys) : no idea (bta3 baba bas mish 3rfa esmo :D)

Favorite Perfume (Girls) : no idea bardo

Favorite PJ brand: nothing special

Favorite Clothes Brand: nothing special

Favorite Person in the Entire World: My brother, my best fried Shaima ,and my aid :D

Favorite Country: Alex

Favorite Car: 127 :D:D I used to love it very much (our old car)

Favorite Sport: Volleyball

Favorite Sports Player: Abo Treka :D

Favorite spot in the World: any quit place, to mediated , in particular (3la sgadet el sala and in my bed)

Favorite Animal: GOlden (my uncle's Dog)

Favorite Movie: BraveHeart, الناصر صلاح الدين ,Amelie

Favorite Singer: mfesh 7ad m3yen

Favorite Day of the Week: Thursday :D

Favorite time of the day: El fager and till the early hours of the morning

Favorite holiday season: Summer

Favorite number: 7

Favorite food: Macaroni , ice cream

Favorite chocolate: Galaxy :D

Favorite Cartoon: Meet the Robinson

Favorite Blogger: لحظات و تظبيط and ..............kter bsra7a

Favorite Ice cream Flavor: Mango

Favorite Mobile Brand: not my interest but I hate Nokia

Favorite Name: Mahmoud

Favorite Hobby: mmmmm, I don't have time to know what is my hobbies

Favorite Room in my House: the kitchen:D:D

Favorite Fruit: Mango

Favorite Flower: from favorite person :D

Qur'an Reciter: Mashary rashed

Favorite Ayah:

((قُلْ يَا عِبَادِيَ الَّذِينَ أَسْرَفُوا عَلَى أَنفُسِهِمْ لَا تَقْنَطُوا مِن رَّحْمَةِ اللَّهِ إِنَّ اللَّهَ يَغْفِرُ الذُّنُوبَ جَمِيعًا إِنَّهُ هُوَ الْغَفُورُ الرَّحِيمُ))

Favorite Website: Google Books,Facebook, IST (, my website :D:D under construction , yellow pages, msdn help :D

I tag : not yet

Sunday, February 8, 2009

how Awful I am :'(

just another fool unfair me
you are not listening
you never loved what I love
you never did what you did for me
why are you doing this
why are you breaking me apart
silence he didn't reply

no do reply i don't understand why WHY WHY
you don't love people around me
you even don't respect me or my work
talk to me why
do you know now why I don't listen to you
do you understand
if you hate my life this much we won't talk about it
I never criticized your life that much
i tell you my opinion and you have mind
(till now i seem right and fair enough)

THEN he started to talk:
Do you really think I hate you?
Do you think I hate my only sister or her success?
you know that if the whole world is against you I will carry you on my back and run
you are my only sister
you know when they were honoring you how proud I was
how proud I am when I feel that those people really appreciate and that you are so

will I hate that for you
I tried to join to be with you
aid you
not to destroy you
you are my sister
and if you don't realize that and don't think that when I say what I say is just
i care for you so much then there is no need to talk

Oh my God..Oh my God
maybe I shouldn't mention that
but I couldn't do I thing
I was crying and said nothing
Oh my God
How Awful I am
how could I be this unfair to the dearest one to me
how could treat my only brother like this
oh my God
oh my God
Forgive me my brother
Forgive me
and even the best I can do is to write here that I am sorry
Oh my God
So sorry

"قُلْ هَلْ نُنَبِّئكُمْ بِالْأَخْسرِينَ أَعْمالاً * الَّذينَ ضَلَّ سَعْيُهُمْ فِي الحَيَاةِ الدُّنيا وَهُمْ يَحْسَبُونَ أَنَّهُمْ أَنَّهُمْ يُحْسِنُونَ"

سامحني يا رب

سامحني يا رب

"قُلْ هَلْ نُنَبِّئكُمْ بِالْأَخْسرِينَ أَعْمالاً * الَّذينَ ضَلَّ سَعْيُهُمْ فِي الحَيَاةِ الدُّنيا وَهُمْ يَحْسَبُونَ أَنَّهُمْ يُحْسِنُونَ صنعا"
سامحني يا رب

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Too Tired

what a long day,
EveryOne wait the vacation to play,
but it isn't the same to me, I wait the vacation to work harder and harder
I love my work, in fact I adore it
my friends and family always have fights with me that I should take a break
and work is not everything
But I really love what I do
I put my head on the bed and think how we do this better, how we make the world better
it is amazing to do thing you believe in and Dream of,
and as one of our Friends Said:
"there is nothing like achieving a dream"

After a long day which didn't finish yet :D
feeling too tired but Happy
I believe in tomorrow being a better day
we can change and if we didn't I want to die trying
Tomorrow will be a better day

"With faith, discipline and selfless devotion to duty, there is nothing worthwhile that you cannot achieve."