Thursday, March 12, 2009

Crazy me

:D :D
Crazy Crazy Crazy Crazy
I am feeling hysterical in fact :D
every one is saying that I am weird in fact
acting weird ,hysterical ,crazy

yes I am :D

some people when the face problems they sit and cry
I yes i sit and cry but just only with myself
but to the whole world
I am the hysterical person that doesn't stop laughing and never cried a single tear

and even in worst situation of my life God is always there
holding me
picking my tears
only God could help me

thanks for the gift you gave me
thanks for making me see the good in every thing
even in my worst cases

thanks for giving me those perfect people
thanks for your love
thanks for your patience

whatever happens you hold me always

that's why we love you GOD
you are always there for us even when we don't deserve
thanks God for being my God

and someone that I even can't forget after all
thanks for your care
even when you know that it going to hurt you take me nicely
and try to make me okay
Thanks my friend for being my friend
you are a good bless to me
thanks for the memories and for being my aid for so long
maybe it is time to separate
God bless your road to the right and the good
and make you happy

I won't say Goodbye
I hate Goodbyes
I will only say
c uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Thanks God now and for alwayssssssssssssssssssss

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